Tanya Escudero

5 posts

“Suhtlemine keelevähemustega Eestis COVID-19 pandeemia ajal: mida me sellest õppisime”

Tanya Escudero, Jekaterina Maadla, Mari-Liis Jakobson ja Ivan Polynin Mitmekultuurilises ja -keelses ühiskonnas nagu Eesti, on tõhus kultuuridevaheline suhtlus riigikeelt vähe valdavate kogukondade kaasamisel ja sotsiaalsel osalemisel ülioluline.COVID-19 tervisekriis tõestas, et suutmatus jõuda kõigi ühiskonnarühmadeni mõjutab negatiivselt terveid riike. Siiski on teadusuuringutes pööratud kultuuridevahelisele kriisikommunikatsioonile uute teede ja lahenduste leidmiseks […]

Report “Communication with linguistic minorities in Estonia during the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned”

Tanya Escudero, Jekaterina Maadla, Mari-Liis Jakobson and Ivan Polynin In a multicultural and multilingual society, such as Estonia, effective intercultural communication is key to the inclusion and social participation of communities with low command of the official language. The COVID-19 health crisis proved that failure to reach all groups in […]

Report Latvia: “Improving communication with migrants for crisis preparedness: lessons learned from COVID-19”

The society in Latvia can be characterised as multiethnic and multicultural, where a large proportion of inhabitants don’t use the official language as their primary one. The communication measures implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic provide an excellent opportunity to research the intercultural crisis communication in Latvia. The present study has […]

“Improving communication with migrants for crisis preparedness in Finland: Lessons learned from COVID-19”

In a multicultural and multilingual society, effective intercultural communication is key to the inclusion and social participation of communities with low command of the official language. The COVID-19 health crisis proved that failure to reach all groups in society impacts whole countries negatively. However, little research attention has been paid […]

“Информационное взаимодействие с языковыми меньшинствами в Эстонии в условиях пандемии COVID-19: практический опыт”

В культурно-разнообразной и многоязычной Эстонии эффективность межкультурного общения является ключевым фактором успешной социокультурной интеграции групп населения с низким уровнем владения официальным языком. Связанный с пандемией COVID-19 кризис в области здравоохранения наглядно показал, что недостаточность мер по охвату всех общественных групп несет негативные последствия в контексте целой страны. Вопросам межкультурного взаимодействия […]